So I had a pretty productive Sunday,
piles of laundry were washed, dried, and hung. The bathrooms are mostly clean and freezer meals are prepped for busy work nights. All in all about 5 meals. 2 Spinach Enchiladas, 2 Cheesy corn and rice casseroles, and 1 French toast casserole. Is it ironic that we ate leftovers for dinner?
I do feel a nice sense of accomplishment in completing this task, I think I may just do this once a month. It solves the big problem that working late causes, I'm so hungry! What's for dinner? and eliminates growling noises.

I put all the meals in small square foil containers, wrapped them in foil and labeled what it was and how to cook it. I know some people use their casserole dishes for this but at .94 cents a container and not having to wash extra dishes, it seems like money well spent. Also Thanksgiving is coming up, I can't have all my casserole dishes in the freezer. I know I could use plastic locking bags, but that just doesn't appeal to me. Eating dinner out of a plastic bag, no thanks!
piles of laundry were washed, dried, and hung. The bathrooms are mostly clean and freezer meals are prepped for busy work nights. All in all about 5 meals. 2 Spinach Enchiladas, 2 Cheesy corn and rice casseroles, and 1 French toast casserole. Is it ironic that we ate leftovers for dinner?
I do feel a nice sense of accomplishment in completing this task, I think I may just do this once a month. It solves the big problem that working late causes, I'm so hungry! What's for dinner? and eliminates growling noises.

It's not glamorous but dinner is done!
Ignore the frozen pizza box and vodka bottle, ha!
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