Hot gooey cheese, burning the roof of your mouth sauce, and crunchy, crusty bread. Yum!
It started with a pizza in fifth grade home economics. The recipe was French Bread Pizza, the ingredients were simple, bread, sauce, cheese, and meat. But that was all it took, my culinary spark was lit.
I went home and wanted to give my school recipe a try. The actual ingredients were French bread probably from the local grocery store's bakery. The remaining ingredients were less than wholesome, a can of salty tomato sauce, a block of mozzarella you had to shred yourself, and greasy pre-sliced pepperoni you simply had to taste. Hopefully you managed to save enough for the pizza.
And Voila, I felt just like a chef! Did it matter that the only chef I knew was Chef Boyardee? Of course not, because I could make my own food. And even got to use the oven much to my mother's disapproval (for fear I would burn the house down). I didn't care because even at that moment I was a better cook than she would ever dare to be. And Why? Because I loved cooking and she merely tolerated it as a chore.
Recently I decided to make a grown-up version of the French Bread Pizza
1 loaf of French bread, sliced in half (every grocery store bakery has it)
1/2 jar of Marinara sauce (or you can make your own but why? ha ha)
1 C crumbled feta cheese (check the grocery store fancy cheese area)
1/4 C chopped tomatoes
1/2 C fresh spinach and arugula
crushed red pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spread marinara on bread, top with cheeses and basil. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until crust is browned and cheese is melted. Wait five minutes, slice, and Enjoy!
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